Killawhat? A tiny trip down memory lane…
This is the first of several posts I’m going to start with, “I’ve been cleaning up the basement…”
So, I’ve been cleaning up the basement…
And look what a nice encapsulation I found of solid state memory density progression over the last 30 years!
I remember saving up for that VIC-20 8K cartridge in the very early 80s. With that thing plugged in, I tripled my RAM! Of course, longer programs meant longer load times; from cassette tape…
The 8MB Compact Flash card came with my first digital camera in 1998, a Nikon Coolpix 900. With a CCD resolution of 1280X960, I could almost create a full screen background for my Solaris 7 CDE desktop…
I’m still using the 8GB Eye-Fi card. I have one in each camera. Processor, static RAM, and network interface all in one tiny, host powered package. Not bad for early 21st. century…
Wouldn’t this make a nice start for an update to “Powers of Ten”? It could be called, “Multiples of 2^10”.
1983 – 8192
1998 – 8192*2^10
2013 – 8192*2^20
2028 – 8192*2^30? – Stay tuned!
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